• Assisted living in rural areas: aging in blurred landscapes 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-26)
      In this article we explore the experiences and practices of care in the context of assisted living facilities (ALFs) in rural areas from the perspectives of family members, health care professionals, and senior citizen interest group representatives. Specifically, we focus on the potential for ALFs to safeguard and unify the health care policy ambitions of equity, quality, and aging in place. Focus ...
    • Å skape et hjem – kvinners plass i den tidlige institusjonsbyggingen. Nord-Norge før 1940 

      Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Scandinavian welfare research has paid more and more attention to the role played by women in building institutions for children, the sick and the elderly. The new institutions were generally called ”homes” and it was precisely this linkage between women and homes that may have led to clear perceptions of what the new ”homes” were like. Concepts like motherliness, homeliness and intimacy are ...
    • Body, participation and self transformations during and after in-patient stroke rehabilitation 

      Arntzen, Cathrine; Hamran, Torunn; Borg, Tove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-04)
      This study explores stroke survivors’ experience of being part of an institutional rehabilitation context and what it means for the immediate experience of discharge home. The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of how the dynamic phenomenon body, participation in everyday life and sense of self interrelates and changes through stroke survivors’ movement in and between the two contexts and ...
    • Brukermedvirkning og representasjon i helse- og omsorgsforskning 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-14)
      Bakgrunn: Brukermedvirkning er et krav i helse- og omsorgsforskning og antas å bidra til at forskningen er relevant for dem den gjelder, og at kunnskapen blir tatt i bruk. I artikkelen diskuterer vi brukermedvirkning i forskning med utgangspunkt i kravet om kollektiv representasjon (at man representerer en gruppe og ikke kun seg selv). <br>Metode: Artikkelen er en casestudie basert på en ...
    • Collaboration between Sami and non-Sami formal and family caregivers in rural municipalities 

      Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Normann, Hans Ketil; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-17)
      The aim of this study was to explore how caregivers experience collaboration in rural municipalities in northern Norway. We conducted fieldwork with a dementia team in addition to seventeen qualitative in-depth interviews with formal and family caregivers. The caregivers had ethnic Sami and ethnic Norwegian affiliation. The theme ‘negotiating ethnic and ethno-political positions’ was identified ...
    • Continuity of home-based care for persons with dementia from formal and family caregivers’ perspective 

      Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Normann, Hans Ketil; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-06)
      Western health care policy emphasizes continuity of care for people with dementia. This paper presents formal and family caregivers’ descriptions of collaboration in home-based dementia care and explores whether this collaboration inhibits or enables continuity of care and the use of the statutory individual plan. Empirical data were derived from 18 in-depth interviews with formal and family caregivers ...
    • Demenssykdom og omsorgsforskning 

      Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil; Fottland, Anne Serine (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013)
      Risiko for sykdom og skader øker med stigende alder, og mange eldre får flere sykdommer, skader og funksjonsnedsettelse samtidig. Dette vil særlig gjelde for personer som utvikler demenssykdom. I Norge får årlig ca 10 000 personer en demenssykdom. Det er i dag om lag 70 000 med diagnosen. Ca 250 000 personer – både syke og pårørende – er berørt av sykdommen. Antall eldre over 75 år og spesielt de ...
    • Erfaringer med deltakelse på kommunale pårørendeskoler 

      Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Moholt, Jill-Marit; Hamran, Torunn; Henriksen, Nils Oddbjørn; Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-25)
      <p><i>Bakgrunn:</i> Det er sterke helsepolitiske føringer for at personer med demens skal bo hjemme så lenge som mulig, og det forventes at pårørende skal bidra i omsorgsarbeidet. Pårørendeskolen skal bidra til læring og mestring hos pårørende. <p><i>Metode:</i> Studien er basert på kvalitative intervju med 16 pårørende som hadde deltatt på pårørendeskoler i nordnorske kommuner i perioden 2010–2017. ...
    • Exploring the meaning of a new assistive technology device for older individuals 

      Gramstad, Astrid; Storli, Sissel Lisa; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
    • Family caregivers’ involvement in decision-making processes regarding admission of persons with dementia to nursing homes 

      Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-23)
      The current Western health policy of ageing in place relies on a triad collaboration among patients, healthcare service providers and family caregivers. Such collaborations presuppose involvement in a vague juridical landscape. This article explores family caregivers’ experiences with involvement in and influence on nursing home decision-making processes for persons with dementia. The data consist ...
    • Home care patients in four Nordic capitals - predictors of nursing home admission during one-year followup 

      Sørbye, Liv Wergeland; Hamran, Torunn; Henriksen, Nils; Norberg, Astrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • Indigenous Life Stories as Narratives of Health and Resistance: A dialogical narrative analysis 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2012)
      The Sami people have historically been exposed to severe assimilation processes. The objective of this study was to explore elderly Samis' experiences of health. A total of 19 elderly Sami individuals in Norway were interviewed. This article is a dialogical narrative analysis of the life stories of 3 Sami women. The life stories are perceived as narratives of health and resistance. Postcolonial ...
    • Kvinneforeningene, institusjonsbyggingen og den nasjonale velferdspolitikken. Nord-Norge før 1940 

      Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Hensikten med artikkelen er å belyse lokale kvinneforeningers innsats som institusjonsbyggere, hvilke samarbeidsrelasjoner og politiske maktforhold de inngikk i, og hvilken betydning deres innsats kan ha fått for utformingen av den norske velferdsstaten. Rettighetsaspektet i form av trygder og ytelser og den partipolitiske debatten rundt dette har fått stor plass i deler av den skandinaviske ...
    • Kvinnene, byen og helsepolitikken – Narvik før 1940 

      Hamran, Torunn (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2005)
      I 1902 ble byen Narvik en realitet, og som så mange andre byer var veksten stor på den tiden. Byene i Norge økte ikke bare i areal og folketall, men også i sine velferdsproblemer. Hvordan Narvik fikk løst noen av oppgavene knyttet til helse og sykdom og hvem som gjorde hva innenfor kommunens grenser, er tema her.
    • Non-use of community health-care services – an exploratory cross-sectional study among family care-givers for older, home-dwelling persons with dementia 

      Moholt, Jill-Marit; Friborg, Oddgeir; Henriksen, Nils Oddbjørn; Hamran, Torunn; Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-05)
      Community health-care services for older, home-dwelling persons with dementia tend to be underutilised. Family care-givers provide substantial care, and they often arrange for and co-ordinate health-care services on behalf of persons with dementia. The aim of this study was to examine family care-givers’ knowledge of unused services and their self-reported reasons for non-use of such services. We ...
    • "The Old Sami" - who is he and how should he be cared for? A discourse analysis of Norwegian policy documents regarding care services for elderly Sami 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-02-25)
      This study examined four policy documents published by the Norwegian government from 1995 to 2009 describing issues regarding the provision of public services to elderly Sami in Norway. Adopting a Foucauldian discourse analytic approach, we explored how the statements regarding elderly Sami and care services in these documents are situated within contemporary ethno-political and healthcare discourses. ...
    • Older individuals’ experiences during the assistive technology device service delivery process 

      Gramstad, Astrid; Storli, Sissel Lisa; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-07)
    • Processes of user participation among formal and Family caregivers in home-based care for persons with dementia 

      Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Normann, Hans Ketil; Hamran, Torunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-05-04)
      Scandinavian health policy supports prolonged home-based care for people with dementia. User participation is expected to reduce family burden. The aim of this study was to explore how formal and family caregivers experience collaboration while providing home-based dementia care, with a focus on user participation. Seventeen qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted among formal and family ...
    • Roads not taken: A narrative positioning analysis of older adults' stories about missed opportunities 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-19)
      The point of departure for this article is narrative gerontology’s conceptualization of life as storied and the assumption that identity development and meaning making do not cease at any age, but rather continue throughout life. We suggest that if identity construction is considered to be a lifelong project, narrative gerontology would benefit from applying analytical perspectives focused on ...
    • Struggles of being and becoming: A dialogical narrative analysis of the life stories of Sami elderly 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Hamran, Torunn; Normann, Hans Ketil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The Sami are an indigenous people living in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Historically, national states have made strong efforts to assimilate the Sami people into the majority populations, and the Sami have experienced stigmatization and discrimination. However, after World War II, there has been a revitalization process among the Sami that was pioneered by the Sami Movement and gradually ...